Saturday, November 26, 2011

Between Money and Happiness~

I remember once I was having a discussion with a friend. I said now I have to focus on earning as much money as possible, so that I can have my first bucket of gold at the shortest period of time. Anything besides that is of secondary importance.

My friend then asked me, how much is your first bucket of gold? And what happen after the first bucket of gold? Am I gonna start saving for my second bucket of gold? Then forever I will not have the chance to spend, because after second bucket of gold, there will be third, forth, fifth... Infinity.

At that time I just don't understand why he said that. We live in a realistic world, money is a tool of survival. But now when I think about It, I guess I start to see his point.

I am not saying that money is no longer important, but money cannot buy happiness. I want to earn money too, but I just want to have enough money to live a reasonably comfortable and simple life.

Life is only so short, and if I am able to live until 100 years old, a quarter of my life has already gone. I don't want to spend the rest of my life chasing money and miss out all the good things in life. No doubt money is important, but money is not everything.

I don't know if my perception is going to change again in the future, but for now, I know I want happiness more than money.


tigerkatie said...
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foodventura said...

Just remember, money, like all material things are perishable, like the world we live in today.

Money may allow you to buy things that make you happy, but the happiness is shortlived.

It will not be able to bring you true joy, and definitely true peace.

Unfortunately, we are bound to the wages of the world, which involves survival with money.

Give thanks to what we have now, and what we will have in future as all things we have are given from Father and His love is the only thing that endures forever.