Saturday, September 22, 2012


时间啊, 总是在我们不经意的时候偷偷溜走。

今天刚好经过我以前很常去的地方。海南咖啡店,我和 Jane 时常消磨时间的地方;Jaya One, 我和 Jane 时常午餐的地方。




Monday, September 17, 2012

I Dont Give a Shit~

There are times in life where I hate myself.

No specific reason, it was just like a sudden strike.

Maybe there was a series of events that lead to this emotion shut down.

But really, I don't give a shit and not bother to look back and analyze what happened.

Instead, I tuned on some emo songs and let my emotion sinks/ sings together with the songs.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Sometimes it is important to have our own space.

I feel more relieve and comfortable when he is not around sometimes.

I find it a bit difficult to do myown things when he is around, at least not very comfortably.

It is good to have some time for myself sometimes.

I guess people call this the "Me-ing" time. Please do not disturb. :)