Saturday, November 26, 2011

Between Money and Happiness~

I remember once I was having a discussion with a friend. I said now I have to focus on earning as much money as possible, so that I can have my first bucket of gold at the shortest period of time. Anything besides that is of secondary importance.

My friend then asked me, how much is your first bucket of gold? And what happen after the first bucket of gold? Am I gonna start saving for my second bucket of gold? Then forever I will not have the chance to spend, because after second bucket of gold, there will be third, forth, fifth... Infinity.

At that time I just don't understand why he said that. We live in a realistic world, money is a tool of survival. But now when I think about It, I guess I start to see his point.

I am not saying that money is no longer important, but money cannot buy happiness. I want to earn money too, but I just want to have enough money to live a reasonably comfortable and simple life.

Life is only so short, and if I am able to live until 100 years old, a quarter of my life has already gone. I don't want to spend the rest of my life chasing money and miss out all the good things in life. No doubt money is important, but money is not everything.

I don't know if my perception is going to change again in the future, but for now, I know I want happiness more than money.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today is really a fruitful day. I happened to like my job even more! A patient called me today to know more about her cancer. She saw my number on the form that the doctor passed to her, and initially called to just ask about something related to our biomarker tests.

Then later on we talked about something else, maybe she finds me friendly or maybe I feel bad to call for a stop for the conversation, she started sharing with me how she discovered her disease and how she feels about herself now. The uncertainty, the worries and anxiety. We also talked about food and diet for cancer patients, and she shared with me her family problems and how she felt lucky to have her husband besides her.

In the end although my ears are in pain, complaining of the over dose of radiation from the handphone, I feel happy. I am glad that in my job I actually have a chance to help patients to get a better lives, to increase the accessibility of expensive drugs so that more patients can benefit. Maybe not so noble but at least, I can make some of them feel better and let them know having cancer is not the end of the world.

Suddenly I feel that pharma sales isn't so difficult after all. The opportunity is there, it is just depending on whether I want to take it or not.

All the best to all cancer patients out there. =)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011



Sunday, November 6, 2011






