Thursday, December 31, 2009

Before 2010~

At the eve of 2010,

I reflected back of what I've done for the past years, and found that 2009 was a great year to remember, a year full with discoveries and growth.

2009 was the year I finally graduated from Monash, receiving the expensive cert from the university and finally put a step forward to the working world. A world which is so different from what I've experienced before, and I am still taking time to adapt and learn. On top of that, 2009 is a blessing year for me, as I have met him along the journey of my life. Thank to God's countless blessing, we have made our way through even if the path doesn't seem easy, at all.

For 2010,
I just wish to continue what I am doing now, and wish to seek improvement and realization along the way, and wish to grow with him. As what my friend said, resolutions are the same every year, they only make a significance when you started to take action. Thus no more crap here. A summary for my 2010's resolution,

*Try my best in everything that I am doing, care more for the people around me, and stay healthy and be happy*

Cheers everyone, happy 2010. With love. =)

Sunday, December 27, 2009


*Crying baby*








P/S: 对不起,我只是个脆弱的女人。

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Air Asia~

I do not travel often, and if I do, I do not usually travel with Air Asia. If I am not mistaken, this was the 2nd time I travel with Air Asia. The first experience was abit disastrous. I remembered going to Guang Zhou with my family about 2 years back, flying with Air Asia. Perhaps the weather was too terrible that day, or perhaps the pilot was half asleep, the plane was shaking very terribly.

We passengers, especially me was in panic, didn't know what happened and didn't know if I am gonna end my life in the plane. Then during landing, I remember having a very bad headache, mostly due to the imbalance pressure inside and outside of the plane. At the time I was only hoping to get down from the plane as soon as possible before I started puking all around.

That was my first experience with Air Asia and that gave me an impression that "cheap things are not good things". If you translate the phrase into Cantonese, it means "平也无好也", LoLx.

This time to Sandakan was my second time with Air Asia. The feeling was surprisingly very different from my first time. LCCT has expanded quite a bit since the last time I visited. Now they have Old Town and Starbucks. I remember few years back they only have McD for people to hang around.

On top of that, perhaps I am too tired, I didn't realize anything abnormal. Once I hopped into the plane, I fell asleep almost immediately. Didn't know who was sitting next to me, didn't know when they started asking for food services, didn't know when they started the duty free thing. A pig, ya I know.

Nonetheless, after about 2 hours of sleep, I was awaken by the young man sitting next to me. He was talking to himself, playing with a stack of cards. Apparently he is a magician, trying to make full use of his time to practice his skill. Interested, we started talking and he started showing me some *magics*, which I think is unbelievable. It is kinda fun thou, not that we can bump into a magician all the time. =P

After some free entertainment, it is time for landing already. He left his card to me and said I can call him anytime I want, if I need his service. LoLx. Quite a fun guy.
So here I am, Sandakan, the gateway for eco-tourism in Sabah.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Irresponsible me~


I think I scratched my car again. This time without me knowing. My dad marched into my room with all the storm and lightning on top of his head, he asked what happened to the car again. I was rather innocent, because seriously, I didn't know I scratched again. Then he said I should be responsible to what happened to the car, he is not going to bear the cost for me anymore. It should be a lesson for me.

Well, I didn't said much when he was scolding all the way, because I know, whether I realize or not, I did scratch the car, or someone scratched me. When he finished and finally walked out, I started to trace back what I've done for the past few days and thought of the possibility of scratching my car again.

And guess what, I think it was the night where I had company dinner. I walked out of the hotel slightly high and imbalance. It took me a while to find the car and I started the engine, put to D and was about to drive forward. But then something was blocking in front. I pressed hard on the accelerator to try overcome the barrier but it still didn't move. Then I realized it was the movable parking space that was blocking my way.

But then perhaps I was slightly drunk, I didn't put much attention on it. I just reversed and get my way out. Once I was out of the car park, honestly speaking I already forgot about the incidence just now.

That is why when dad questioned me, I really didn't know what have happened to my car. Sigh... and I can't said he was wrong. In fact, I am the one at fault. @@" Such irresponsible me.

P/S: Don't drink if you cannot drink.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Miscommunication comes in many forms. But most of them are mainly because each individual has their own way of thinking and own way of conveying message. Things that are right for me may not be your cup of tea. We live at the same housing garden doesn't mean we have the same style of living. People are all different.

Today I have learned a few things. Once again this proves my level maturity. There is still a huge room for growth as I think I didn't handle the situation well. Regardless of what I hear, from the first, second or third parties, everyone is having a different storyline, even if the tittle of the story is the same. It is all based on own judgment and analytical thinking.

Perhaps all the while I am having some forms of pre-judgment, so my analytical thinking was bias. Perhaps somebody wanted to convey the wrong message, so to mess up the condition. Perhaps at the end of the day, nobody is doing anything with intention, it was just a miscommunication among human, plus different perceptions in analyzing an incidence.

On top of that, sometimes miscommunication may be arise because someone is caring for another person, but in a different way. This once again comes back to the first point where every human is different. It is important to respect each human as an individual with different kinda thinking. As although we share the same set of genetic materials, but our philosophy of life is largely deviated.

Thus, even if you disagree with one another, or you are trying to express your care to one another, always remember to put respect at the frontline, and no judgment. Things that you disgaree with, things that do not work on you, may not be the same for other individuals. Therefore, do not judge. And by the way, who are you to judge and criticize?

Well, regardless. Regardless of who is right or who is wrong. There are a few main things that I have realized tonight:

1) Learn to respect.
2) Learn not to judge.
3) Learn not to think too much.
4) Learn to be a better woman.

P/S: Once and for all, the past will be remained in the past.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Starting of December 09~

Today is the first day of my late menstruation. As usual, I feel pain and weak. Unable to focus while the doctors are talking to my senior and manager, I was just standing aside fake smiling, and pretended that I was very interested with what they were saying. Although my mind was somewhere else waiting to go home. A tiring day for me.

Today is the day where my dear gets to know his results. He wanted me to check for him first, honestly my palm started to sweat while waiting for the page to load. Although in my heart I know he is not going to fail. And as anticipated, he did well for his final! All efforts were paid off (although I not sure how much effort he has put in... Muahaha~). A happy day for him.

Sincerely, I am proud of you darling. I am really happy for you. 2009 will surely end with joy and 2010 will be full of joys too. Gambateh! ^^

P/S: Why woman has to suffer from menstrual pain? @@

Monday, November 30, 2009

Joeanne's Theory of Sales~

*Figure 1: Joeanne's theory of sales*

A product specialist, as it name suggests, is a person who specializes in his/ her product that he/ she is selling. Every single bit of information from A to Z, from 1-100 must be in our fingertips. Nonetheless, being a product specialist is not merely to know your product well. There are many key players that determine if you are a good sales person or not. As everybody can sell, but not everyone can sell well.

Lets have a look at Figure 1. Say like you are very hardworking. You studied your product in detail until you can memorize everything inside out. But if you have nothing else besides your product knowledge, you are not going anywhere in sales. Because, when you go to the field, your client is not very much interested to know how your product is being manufactured and how they work and their quality, etc. They are more interested in knowing HOW your product can bring benefits to them.

This leads to the second factor in sales. You must know your customer well. First time visit to a client is usually to introduce yourself and also a chance for you to screen his/ her potential in buying your product. Once they are determined as the potential group, then consistent visit is a must, as this is the only way your client will remember you more easily. Then while visiting , try some rapport building, try chit-chat with the significant players, they can be anyone else working around your potential clients, either indirectly or directly. This is the way where you can start gather information, know and understand their needs and problems. Eventually, use different approaches as in HOW you can use your product to specifically address to your client's needs. Because in sales, clients do not buy product, they only buy solution that a product can offers to solve their problem.

For example, say like you buy a notebook today. What is the reason of your purchase? You don't buy the notebook actually, you buy the solution that the notebook offers. They can be functional (for you to write something) or they can be esthetic (a gift to someone else) and etc. So, bu understanding your potential clients' problems, you would be able to approach them better and in fact, they are more willing to spend time to listen to you.

On top of all these, we must have sufficient level of soft skill and general knowledge. This is important especially if you do not know your clients well. General knowledge can be politics, economics, whatsoever that you can read from newspaper and magazine, because they are essential tools for ice breaking between you and your clients.

Always remember that being a sales person, you don't sell your product all the times. In fact, before you can sell, we must get to know our clients first, then use different approaches to win over their hearts.

As illustrated in Figure 1, in the pool of sales person, a lot of them master only one or two factors of selling. The white fragment represents those that stand out of the crowd, as they are people who master all skills in effective selling.


Sunday, November 29, 2009


*Someday, somehow we will find our way... Be strong everyone...*

Have been a listener for years...
Listening to all sorta problems...
Friends crying over the phones...
And sometimes I cried too...

Everyone is the same...
We just want a pair of listening ears...
To listen to our lives...

Our world is ain't so perfect...
The sky is not always blue...
Everyone has their own problems...
Everyone has their own sadness...

But problems are learning opportunities...
Once we get through them...
We will be one step closer...
To our desired lives...

No matter what you're suffering right now...
Don't think you're alone...
Because you're not...

We face problems...
But we don't amplify them...
Be strong everyone...
Our world is ain't perfect,
But it is still beautiful.

Friday, November 27, 2009







一概而言, 大多数的男人都比女人更注重尊严,觉得他们雄性动物应该比女人强,应该是




付出并非等于收获。如果你将两者间画上一个等号,那么每一段爱情都会以分手作为了结。付出的,与收获的,不能相提并论。爱情里,没有所谓的一方过于主导,过于付出,而是讲求双方在多方面的平衡,以及体谅。往往斤斤计较,时不时利用陈年往事,秋后算账,必定会闹得鸡犬不宁,六国大封相... 人非草木,一方不计较付出,另一方当然也会感到欣慰,自然而然,他也会让你得到一定的收获... 相处之道,莫过于信,相信他会感到你的付出,感到你的真诚,美好的两人未来正在期待。。。


Jason Wong Kin Weng

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Really like to see you smile. When you are trying to show me BEE MINE, your expression is just too cute and I cannot help but to print screen it out.

*Cute... ^^*

Below is the song lyric from me to you, it is an exact reflection of my feelings to you now. Enjoyz.


打个结 绑起来 就分不开
靠着你 不小心 就飞起来
去滑翔 去冲浪 让太阳晒 

只要跟着你 就很放心 

满满的都是爱 想不到那么快 
满满的都是爱 像香槟满出来 
心脏快要跳出来 想要逃也逃不开

桃红色 让心情 都好起来
粉水晶 让爱情 都亮起来
敞蓬车 跑得快 昨天拜拜

只要跟着你 就很放心 
只要想到你 就很开心 

满满的都是爱 想不到那么快

满满的都是爱 像香槟满出来 
心脏快要跳出来 想要逃也逃不开

Monday, November 16, 2009

1st Day~


Today is the first day without you.

Perhaps I just finished my exam with a little bit of sleep deprivation, my mind has not fully acclimatized to your absence. Thoughts and feelings are flying everywhere in my head, almost at a chaotic condition.

My mind was subconsciously thinking of the things that I am going to do with you this weekend, thinking of holding your warm hand with me under the heavy rain, thinking of leaning on your shoulder, thinking of playing around with your cute tooth, thinking of *guzit* your side abs, thinking of listening to your *en... en... en...*. Thinking and wondering, wondering and thinking...

Nonetheless, suddenly the other part of my brain reminded me that you've went back home, to the land below the wind. Sigh, my shoulder slumped onto the chair. Teasing myself for being stupid. Today is just the first day, and I am missing you already.

P/S: I like to see your happy face with your cute tooth. =D

Being a product specialist~

Being a product specialist...

I was given stacks of notes where they have timetable for my classes from morning to evening. Then after each module there will be an exam to test your understanding. The passing mark is HD level, meaning that you must have a minimum of 80% to pass the exam. If you fail more than twice, then the 3rd time you will receive a termination letter from the company. Meaning that you are now free to go. Wow...

*If the Roche logo is not there, I would easily thought this is a normal class timetable... @@*

*Module 1 and 2, followed by cancer A-Z and product training... @"@*

Well, the first 2 modules so far were not that hard as I have learned most of them in uni, but the hardest part has yet to come. Today is the first day of product training, where for the following week, the medical team people will train me on oncology (the study of cancer), covering from head to toe, meaning from the biology of cancer, to cancer management, to different type of cancers and its mechanism of actions, the possible treatments available, monoclonal antibodies, and lastly... my ONCO-PRODUCT, which I am required to read all the clinical papers and trials, product information and many many more. @@"

Well, let say I pass the product training exam successfully, then the next training will be marketing training, where they will train us on different types of marketing strategies, the recent market position of your products, players in the market and many many more. And that is followed by another exam as well.

Once I am done with all these, then I have to go for a computer-monitoring system training, where the IT specialists will train us on how to use the self-management software to record our daily activities and how to communicate via the sophisticated programs.

All of these are BEFORE I go into field work.

I thought I am working as a sales rep? But seems like I am going back to uni huh... @@" But well, no complain la, everything start from ground... =P

P/S: Sleep deprive. I slept 3 hours yesterday to prepare for the exam today. Hope I pass.

Dangerous Driver~

The other day I accidentally dropped my driving license into the slit at the inner side of my car dashboard. I didn't even realize that my license was missing until the next day when the security guard wanted to record my details before entering my office building. Well, I am the usual blur worm.

It then ended up where my dad had got to send the car to the service center and ask the technicians to break open my dashboard. Well, luckily it was inside, followed with an unexpected treasure, a long lost car park ticket from Subang Parade dated back in 2008. Muahaha~ *Sweat*

When I look back at my driving history ever since I got my driving license, I can only say that I am actually a reckless and dangerous driver. For the first major accident, I was knocked onto the divider, half falling asleep while driving on the expressway. Luckily God bless, I was fine but my car was badly ruined. Then there were times where I accidentally knocked onto other people's cars, most of the time I was at fault for not paying enough attention, or I was about to doze off while driving.

Also there are times where I like to use the emergency lane, especially during rainy days with terrible traffic jam. I am not a patient driver, whenever I have chance I will use it to cut short my time on the road. Ever since I started my first job, I have got 2 samans for illegal parking, scratched my car a number of times, knocked on the parking border and break my carplat, got a *warning* recently from some idiotic policemen for doing illegal stuffs in the car, and etc.

*Accidentally knocked onto the parking border and broke my car plat... Paiseh Daddy...*

*Some scratches here and there*

*MPSJ saman that I am not gonna pay anyway... =P*

P/S: They said women are bad drivers, I think it is perfectly right for me. =P

Monday, November 9, 2009


To celebrate my 100th post, I dedicate a song to myself, "Life" by Des'ree, a song voted as the worst ever pop lyrics back in 1998, but somehow I think some parts of the lyrics is very meaningful.


I'm afraid of the dark
Especially when I'm in a park
And there's no one else around
Ooh, I get the shivers

I don't want to see a ghost
It's a sight that I fear most
I'd rather have a piece of toast
And watch the evening news

Life, oh life, oh life, oh life
Doot, doo doo doo
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life
Doot, doo doo doo

I'm a superstitious girl
I'm the worst in the world
Never walk under ladders
I keep a rabbit's tail

I'll take you up on a dare
Anytime, anywhere
Name the place, I'll be there
Bungee jumping, I don't care

Life, oh life, oh life, oh life
Doot, doo doo doo
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life
Doot, doo doo doo

So after all is said and done
I know I'm not the only one
Life indeed can be fun
If you really want to

Sometimes living out your dreams
Ain't as easy as it seems
You wanna fly around the world
In a beautiful balloon

Life, oh life, oh life, oh life
Doot, doo doo doo
Life, oh life, oh life, oh life
Doot, doo doo doo

Believe it or not, Joeanne Wong is a coward chicken. There are a lot of things I dare not to do, often time I will find an easy way out. Sometimes for certain things, I dare not to put in so much hope, dare not to put in so much effort, dare not to be too confident, because I am a pessimist, I always have a perception that I will be the loser, eventually. So, I dare not to be in the dark, dare not to believe that I can, thats why I'd rather stay at my comfort zone, believing in things that I choose to believe.

But I know, I am not going anywhere if I continue to be a chicken. Most importantly, I don't wanna hurt the people I care and love. Thats why, I'll take you up on a dare, name the place and I'll be there, bungee jumping I don't care. November is always my blessed month, I've decided to open up my heart, accept all challenges, acknowledge my strength and weaknesses, work to turn my vision into reality. Although I may fail during the process, but at least I've tried.

P/S: Thanks for coming into my life. Worth all my tears. =)

Second job, first day~


My 2nd job requires me to report duty on 8.15am, so this morning i stepped out of my house at 6.30am, estimating enough time for traffic jam. But then don't know what happened to the traffic today, there was no car on the road, smooth sailing all the way. I reached office around 7.20am, BAH... Wasted my time, I should have slept more... >.<

P/S: Pray hard for u my dear...Tmr all the best... ^^

Tuesday, November 3, 2009



Yesterday my friend was sobbing over the phone, saying that she is very stressed with her work. Being a graduate from accountancy, she is now working for a medium auditing firm. From day to night, from Monday to Sunday, her life is filled with work and no personal life. No matter how strong and how determined, eventually she falls and breakdown.

I got another friend who is job hunting for quite some times. He is experienced and capable, but seems like luck is not on his side these days, he is still in the process of looking for a job.

Somehow I think I am the fortunate one. I got my first job rather quickly after my final paper, not through conventional ways but a gum disease gel. Although I kept complaining but everyone in the company was treating me quite well actually. I was confirmed during the second month and by right I should hand in my resignation letter one month in advance. But I didn't do so. My lady boss was very kind indeed. She told me that she would count me as unconfirmed, so I wouldn't have to pay for the penalty and still get the basic salary. So kind of her. Thanks Penny.

Apart from this, while I was regretting of being too hasty to quit the job, I finally got a confirmation call from Roche. After several rounds of interview and product presentation, I was accepted! Something I think it is just based on pure luck, as I don't think I did too well.

For all these, I can only say thank you.
Thank God, my parents, my friends and you my dear.
For the future, I will try my best and I will live my life with gratitude.
With love.

P/S: I saw a quote at my orthodontist's clinic, something I think it is worth sharing.

*Think Positive*
Say to yourself every morning,
Today is going to be a great day!
I can handle more than I think I can,
By worrying about them,
Things will not get better anyway,
I am satisfied,
As long as I've tried my best.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

When love becomes unconditional~

Today I read through his blog again, from the beginning to now. I know a lot of things happened in his past, some were really hurtful. I could imagine him falling to the ground, how he struggled and eventually stand up again, to be the man I know today. No matter how many times I read, the feelings are still the same, my heart aches.

Regardless, I hope he will be happy with me. By the way, I just wonder how would it be like when love becomes unconditional.

P/S: I Love You.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I officially resigned (updated)~

Yesterday I finally handed in my resignation letter to my lady boss and sent an email to my boss and manager in Boston. Almost immediately, I got a sms from boss asking why I decided to leave. He worried it might be due to office matters as in some people in the office might bully me. But well, I replied and said that I would like to try out in pharmaceutical line, which is more related to what I've studied in uni. Then he didn't say much already, just the normal hoohaa goodbye, you're a good staff and all the best kinda thing.

I thought when my lady boss knew about this, she would at least screw me once first before she agree to let me go. But well, things seemed to be going on quite smoothly, she didn't really make my life hard. In fact, we had a pleasant conversation in the afternoon, talking about office gossip.

Today is my last day in the office. Feeling is abit awkward as I don't know what to do in the office, and what is the proper thing to say. My colleague was late. He went to buy some dim sum back from the well known shop near our office. He said this is the farewell dim sum feast for me. Well, I am a bit touched actually. Thanks for the effort =)

Sometimes I think, I am really a well blessed child. Although I always complain about the work, but maybe as compared to others, I am indeed the lucky one to get to work with this company. Somehow I think I'll miss the people in the office, as well as Cheras Old Town which I have spent most of my mornings there, sipping my beloved coffee.

Although it was just a brief 3 months, but I guess I have learned quite a lot during the process, expose to the real working environment, experience the terrible morning jam(>.<); learn most of the roads in Klang Valley; observe the bunch of monkey every morning... Anyways, special thank to Dr. Noorlin, a very wise doctor that taught me a lot. Thank you everyone, thank you TDI, for being part of my life. =)

*My manager, I hope he won't see this... LoLx*

*The usual morning jam... @@*

*They've lost their home due to urbanization. Forests were flattened to build houses. Thus high tension wires have become their new and only home now. Kesian... Everyday I will count the number of monkeys hanging on the wire, worry if some of them died... Kaka... Silly me*

There goes my first job. Not sure if I have made the right decision to leave this company. But what is done is done. Life moves on and I will try my very best for the 2nd interview with Roche tomorrow. God Bless. Gambateh! ^^

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thank God, for telling me that I deserve~

Just in case if you don't know, I cry a lot when I speak to the God. Often times when I look into her eyes, I see kindness, acceptance and forgiveness. It is like no matter what I do, how much sins I have, God will always be my side, she will never abandon me, she will always protect me. To me, thats the meaning of God.

It is not wrong to say that we human live in a society, but there are inevitable moments where we feel alone, abandoned, like no one cares if you are alive or dead. Some people may try to ignore these kinda feelings, some may live in denial, some may try to live with it, some may break down and give up... As for me, I will pray hard to the God, because I know, she will not abandon me. As long as we believe, then there will be hope.

You can say I am mentally weak, but I would say this is how I become strong. Because I believe, for all obstacles and difficulties that we face today, they are God's effort to make us mentally stronger, to be a better man, and to be able to achieve our desired lives. This is how she is blessing us. This is how she is trying her best to protect us.

This evening, I got a call from Roche saying that I am selected for the 2nd interview. Thank God. Thanks for standing by my side during my vulnerable and self-doubting moments. Thanks for giving me a chance. Thanks for telling me that I deserve, as long as I work for it. Thank you, and I promise you, I will try my best.

P/S: To you, we always have our vulnerable times, but just to let you know, I'll be there whenever you need me.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I didn't have a nice sleep yesterday, kept waking up from dreams. I remembered grabbing the alarm clock on my bedside when I was awaken, and it showed 4.44am. A bad indicator of the day. In Chinese they said 4 is *sei*, means die. Bad luck perhaps, and seriously, today was just not my day.

I hate heavy makeup, but this people in Roche said makeup is basic manners, so I tried to do some basic ones, which I felt very uncomfortable with. Then the interview, I waited for like almost an hour for the *director* to come, which at that time, I assumed the director was the company director.

Then, miscommunication. I thought this was the second interview where I would have to do product presentation, since I already passed the first interview. So I prepared whole night yesterday for the presentation, checked out the Dos and Don'ts. However, the person who interviewed me just now, is the director of HR department, meaning that I am still at the first stage of the interview.

Well, I am okay with that actually. No big deal. Just the questions he asked, some I don't think I have answered well. A bit like bringing him to tour the garden (Chinese saying). At the end of the interview, he ticked on my application form, and said he gave me a pass for the interview and explained what I should do for the product presentation. Meaning that probably, I got the chance for the 2nd interview, depending on the performance of other candidates. What I need to do now is wait, which can be a very unbearable process.

Actually I was quite confident before this and thought it should not be a problem. But over-confidence often leads to fatal consequences, like how I feel right now. Of coz not exactly *fatal*, but a bit unexpected and disappointed. @@ Well, still, there are still hope. Seriously, I hope I deserve a chance. Praying hard for the best.

P/S: I found a way to online for free without spending in a cafe or something, that is to park outside (nearest possible) the cafe and online in the car. =P

Friday, October 23, 2009

Turning point?

This morning while preparing myself for another new day, I roughly run through what I should do for the coming days, the most appropriate thing to do. Today will be another normal working day, then in the afternoon I will notify my lady boss that I will be late on Monday, reason? Personal stuff. Well, probably she will start suspecting me, but I cannot care so much already.

On Monday, I will try my best for the 2nd interview, hopefully I get a green light from the Roche director, and once this is done, that day afternoon I will go back office, and send a email to my boss in US, cc to my manager, and verbally talk to my lady boss. I don't know what else they will say, or perhaps they already expected this to happen, but nothing much I can do already.

If say I don't get a green light from Roche, I will work for the coming week, and still send in my resignation letter when my boss and manager come back from US. Sometimes I think, for every single decision you made, there is no exact right or wrong, it is based on how you see it. At this stage, I think I still have the choice to choose what I like to do, so why not I go for something that I have passion with?

Till then. As someone told me many times,
"Don't think so far first, solve the problems in front of you first." =P

Well, perhaps that should be the way after all. Gambateh and all the best then. =D

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What a day~

Today I went to UITM to send a quotation to a doctor and to have some case discussion. Well, one thing "special" about UITM is that they have a very "unique" elevator system. Unlike the conventional ones, in UITM the numerator thingy is outside of the elevators, before you hop into the lift, you have to press the floor level, indicating where you want to go and the system will direct you to which lift to take.

*Don't know what this thing call, just call numerator thingy la... =P*

Well, it sounds cool but the system honestly, is very much worst than the conventional one. First it took ages for the numerator thingy to respond, sometimes they will show you a "XX" sign on the screen, indicating that the lift is not responding fast enough to you. Next, I don't know if the problem happens only in UITM or the entire elevator system is a problem by itself, they have separate lifts to go to different floors. For example, lift A is for floor 3 to floor 10. Lift B is for floor 11 to 20, etc.

* "XX"... Ops, I am slow... =P*

So happen today, poor Joeanne has to go to 19th floor to meet the doctor. Appointment was at 3.30pm and I was already late. Then the stupid lift was giving me damn loads of problem. First it took ages to respond. Well, I am a patient young lady, so I waited and waited. And when I walked out of 10th floor, I saw a big "ROSAK" sign on the outside of the lift which used to get to 11th floor onwards.

Pissed, tired and anxious. I decided to walk up the stairs. But since I am having a sedentary life for months, 9 floors of stairs almost took my breath away. I wore two layers of cloths to ensure that I don't look too thin, but now they were giving me problem as they insulated all the body heat inside. Finally, I managed to make it to 19th floor and what pissed me again was that, doctor was not in. Still panting, I called and she said she was stuck with some matters in UM, so unable to rush back. I was like... sigh... Sweat even more...

Then since today my last stop was at Shah Alam, I decided to use Guthrie highway to go home. First, I don't have to care about the toll, since the company is paying, second I can skip all the traffic jams in PJ and Subang areas. And seriously by using this highway, it only took around half an hour to reach Rawang. Wee~

*Erm, undulating road?*

Guthrie highway is relatively new, maybe because of the location problem, most of the time it is traffic free. Also, surrounding this highway is a long stretch of oil palm plantation, from far they look so calm and green. So nice. This remind me of my crazy time last time, where me and my friend used to hang around the highway at night, walking along the divider, shouting and boo-ing those cars passing by. I know it is idiotic... Blek...

*Guthrie Highway*

Last but not least. The good news of the day, today Roche called and asked me to go for the 2nd interview tomorrow, whereby I just went for the 1st interview yesterday! Woot! But then I couldn't make it tomorrow since I have a surgery appointment, so we make it on Monday next week. Well, hope everything goes well then.

P/S: Thank God for all the blessings, thank you my family and friends for all the support, and thanks dear for your love.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Why so unfair?

*Sorry everyone, these days my blog is a bit gloomy*

Today I saw a mentally retarded man wandering around on the street. I guess he is at his late 40s, old and slightly plump. But what saddened me is that, he is wearing some tight female singlet and a worn out short skirt. He is a man. But he doesn't know what he is doing.

He sat on the floor and talking to himself, occasionally added with some hand motions. People around walked passed him, nobody ever cares about him, as if he is another stray dog or cat on the street.

I feel very sad when I look at him. Not sure what has happened to his life that caused him to be mentally retard today. But then I asked God, does he deserve all these? Was he given a chance before? Why some people are living at the other side of the world, enjoying luxurious lives while some people have to live like an animal? What kinda judgment is that? Did they include the scale for fairness?

Probably I am just being emotional these days. Small little things can evoke my sea of thoughts and feelings. And seriously, I don't know how much I deserve actually, but I will try my best to appreciate what I have in life, and always remember not to take anything for granted.

Tomorrow's interview is an opportunity given to me. I will try my best then. All the best! Aza-aza!

P/S: 委屈你了,要你啃一个这么难啃的女人。。。=P

Since when?

Today I got an unexpected call from Roche, a multinational pharmaceutical company saying that I am shortlisted for one of their job positions. I applied for this job few months back, and since there was no response, I thought I was rejected. That is why, when I got the call today, it caught me by surprise.

Almost immediately, they want me to confirm the interview straightaway. But after some negotiations, the latest call would be tomorrow, a YES or NO answer. Suddenly I lost my grip, don't know what to do. This is because I am picking up already, screened almost 100 clinics and have already identified the potential ones. Even, I already met some potential ones and there is a high chance where I can make sales already. The future, at least for the few months to come, is actually positive.

And out of the blue, this Roche thing is forcing itself into my current life equation, mess up with my plans. Actually, it is not a big deal yet, because they only call me for an interview. It is just that, I wanted so much to tell him about this. I text-ed him, and his reply somehow made me feel vulnerable, tears filled my eyes. Not because he has said anything special, it was just my sudden realization. Since when, since when I am so dependent on him, emotionally?

All the while I thought I am a strong woman, independent and able to make the right decision at the right time. But now, I feel so messed up, a bit reluctant to accept the fact that I've fallen once again, and this time, it is very deeply indeed. This feeling makes me feel vulnerable and defenseless, as if I've lost the protective shell that protects my pusillanimous heart.

I remember telling my friend this:


I think I have to keep this for myself as well. Although eventually, I don't know it is a good thing or bad thing...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

PutraJaya and Me~

A planned city located south of Kuala Lumpur, was built based on the theme of a garden city that is in harmony with its natural environment, yet it is modern, futuristic, unique and *supposingly* very Malaysian. It is the vision of Tun Dr Mahathir to make Putrajaya the new federal administrative centre of Malaysia, in order to ease the overcrowding and congestion in Kuala Lumpur (Wikipedia, 2009).

Critics said that the entire project was a massive waste of tax payers' money. The real cost of construction has never been officially released, but reliable sources estimated at least 20 billion ringgit has been dumped into this project (Wikipedia, 2009).

Regardless, Putrajaya is always romantically linked to me. Reasons? First, they have very pretty night scenes.

*Seri Saujana Bridge*

*Putrajaya lakeside*

*Some administrative building I think*

*John Doe*

Second, at night that place is very quiet, so you would have more private time with your dear, I guess. Also, there is a distance from KL to Putrajaya, so you can spend more time with your loved ones. Forth, as others said, we have to get back some interest from the government. LoLx...

*A quiet or dead city at night*

P/S: 车牌妹 is happy with 车牌仔... Ngek ngek...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Random thoughts~

Sometimes the world is really small. A few days back I met a guy visiting clinics like me, but he was buying some dental wastes from the doctors while I am asking doctors to buy my products. Then coincidentally, we met today again in another area doing basically the same thing. LoLx.

After exchanging number and all that, we chatted for a while. He asked if I am scared when I do all the visiting alone, because nowadays the world is getting very mutated. My friend just told me that her car was hammered by some rempets to snatch her handbag from the passenger seat. Then there are also cases where ladies are robbed and rapped while they were walking alone in the car park. Everyday we have freshly baked news from the newspaper, actually it is quite scary.

Well, honestly speaking I am afraid too, especially most of the time I am alone carrying stuffs or driving alone screening for dental clinics. If someone seriously targeted me and wanted to rob me, or worst... I think I would be defenseless. But well, life still moves on. Just be more alert and pray hard then.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dedicated to YOU~

That day was slightly touched when you showed me the ring tone you set specifically for me (not sure if it is *specifically* thou =P). Sometimes these small little things that you did, small little changes here and there, is enough to touch my soul. As I told you, I am a simple woman. Keke... So I was looking for some songs that suit YOU specifically, and I think the song below, is relatively what you mean to me now. Enjoyz.

--I Wanna Know What Love Is--

I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when I'm colder

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Cant stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life

I wanna know what love is...
I want you to show me...
I wanna feel what love is...
I know you can show me...

I'm gonna take a little time
A little time to look around me...
I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me...

In my life! there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
I cant stop now, Ive traveled so far
To change this lonely life...

I wanna know what love is...
I want you to show me...
I wanna feel what love is...
I know you can show me...

(Mariah Carey version)

A total mess~

*A total mess*

Ever since the beginning of August, my life has gone into a total mess, a total disorganized chaos. Justify FullNew job has occupied my weekdays, weekends were occupied by friend gatherings and outings, and nowadays, dating is part of my weekend's MUST plan (I am not complaining thou). Dad said I am treating the house as a hotel, I only sleep in the house at night, the rest of the time I was out, nowhere to be seen. Feel a bit bad thou.

Many things were left behind. I look at my room, and I can only sigh, because it is a total mess. Clothing are all stacked up, handbags are hanging messily around the chair, papers and non-essential documents are all scattering around my table, even the newspapers where I used to look for job (like two months ago?) are still lying flatly on my table, facial products are all scattering around, the mirror is filled with fingerprints and many more. Sometimes I don't even feel like opening my closet, because everything is just so messed up inside. Sigh, and yet I dare to call myself a girl. @@

Then I look at my face. The tone is getting slightly dull, open pores are getting very obvious and also those black circle beneath my eyes. I wonder when was the last time i went for a facial, and when was the last time I pampered my face with masks. Also I look at my skin, it is getting so dry and dehydrated. I wonder when can I indulge myself in a spa treatment? Besides, I want a good hair treatment as well!

Next, I remember promising my dentist to go for a scaling and checkup during September (General dentist is different from orthodontist). But then now it is getting to the mid of October already, and yet I don't have a slight motivation to go knock on his clinic. Perhaps I have visited too many clinics for the past few months, perhaps I don't have the time, or perhaps everything is just an excuse, because I am too lazy.

Then I look at myself again. Seems like I am gradually losing some weights. My current record is 49kg (after meal), means that I dropped another kg from my average 50kg. Mom said I look like a stick now. Today a nurse said my hand is like those crispy biscuit, so thin that it can be easily broken into half. Perhaps that has to do with my inconsistent meals and coffee overdose. I wish to gain more weight too. But how?

Therefore, before the condition gets any worst, I think I should spend more time on myself. A little bit of time management, go for a nice facial treat, perhaps spend some times to pack my room, listening to some musics, read some books, have more quality sleeps and perhaps to go for better and *fatter* foods. @@ Also, its time to seriously think about my future.

P/S: Don't take it wrong, my life goes on, in fact BETTER... with YOU.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A better Insight~

Today I had a nice chit chat session with my lady boss and I had a better insight of the company background, the real working environment, and my gold fish colleague.

She told me a lot about Mr. Gold Fish, warned me to be careful when dealing with him. Some *behind-the-scene* stories were revealed, I am not shock, but a little surprise. Skip those back stabbing stuffs, overall I can only say that he is not a trustworthy guy, either emotionally, physically or financially. As for me, I can only say that I will be more careful when dealing with him, and only official matters, as I have promised someone.

Then she also told me more about our company, how they were cheated by the ex-manager, why they got into legal case, how they almost declared bankruptcy and how they finally found a way to deal with it. Somehow I found it fascinating, as I got to know more about the real life environment, the real business world, where almost everything is profit oriented, there is no true friend and there is no forever enemy. Fascinating, but not something I adore very much now.

Somehow I find that, being a working adult is really a major transition in one's life, as we get to know something that we didn't know when we were studying. The environment is so different, sometimes it even takes a long time for one to adjust. Also, human are complex beings, it is almost impossible to truly understand a person, no matter how long you have known this person.

Phrases of the day:
Do not interrupt when someone is speaking
Do not believe in everything you listen or see
Be selective and analytic
Put on your thinking cap and think.

P/S: For a better future, a wiser woman I wanna be.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So baby no worry~

So baby, don't worry,
You are my only,
You won't be lonely,
Even if the sky is falling down,
You'll be my only,
No need to worry...

(Extracted from Down, by Jay Sean feat Lil Wayne)

P/S: As I've promised YOU

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A constantly changing mind~

*Clueless. I am lost and the raindrops are bombarding me. Not sure of my direction, my path and my future.*

Nowadays I am thinking alot, thinking of the choices that I have, the decisions that I should make and the consequences of each decision.
Justify Full
I got a feeling to continue studying, but not sure if research is something that I really like. What kinda topic they are offering next semester? Hows the fees like? Will I be able to get scholarship? What kinda prospect I have once I finish honors? Will I face the same condition like what I am facing now? Will I be too old by the time I finish my honors? A lot of questions...

At the same time, I am thinking of the possibility of changing a new job, perhaps looking for something less stressful, less sales-oriented. Everyday they have this new job notifications buzzing my email, but every time when I checked, they are more or less the same. Business development executive, sales executive, management trainee, lab technician, etc. I don't know, I remembered my friend saying that sales is not suitable for me, but can you tell me what is suitable then? Perhaps only time and my own experiences can tell. Somehow, I like food science and food development, but not sure if Monash is offering food science-related topics in their honors program.

Apart from that, pressure from home is accumulating. Mom especially, is not pretty happy with us. Some issues have become our topics of arguments, I know she cares for me, she worries I made the wrong choice, or wrong move perhaps. Blinded. She said don't waste my time and youth. She asks me to build up my career first, while I don't even know if I really like this job. Honestly speaking I am not sure if I have done the right thing, because there is no way you can tell if you are right or wrong, only future can tell if my decision is correct.

I am a person who always follow my heart. I only do things when my heart tells me to do. I won't force myself in doing things that I hate. I know uncertainty is always the issue between us, but once again, only time and OUR experiences can tell. For now, I just know that I love this man, for all the issues and problems that are bombarding around us, or me, they are challenges. If we are lucky enough to get through them, then we will be better off. Else, there is no need to force. But still, all of these still come back to one conclusion, only time can tell. Only when you have worked for it before, then only you know whether you did the right thing or not.

Perhaps it is time for me to slowdown my pace, and think of what I really want. May God bless us.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kinda True ^^~

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

To you, from me (2)~

To you:




Eventually I will have faith with us.

From me.

What happened?

Today morning was a rainy day...
So nice that it shouldn't be a working day...
Trying hard to keep myself awake...
While I didn't pay much attention...
I knocked onto someone's else car in front...
In the middle of traffic jam...
A black Wira...
A very minor one...
But clearly it was my fault... my fault...

It was still drizzling outside...
He came down from his car...
I put on my emergency signal...
And get out of the car....

*Side bumper slightly detached? (red circle)*

I inspected his car...
And snapped some pictures...
His side bumper was slightly detached (red circle)...
Duh~ Don't know how to describe...
But I know is nothing big...

He saw I am a girl...
Thought of threatening me by saying that he wanted to report police...
Asked me to leave my contact number...
He will send his car for repair...
Then he will call for *outside settlement*...
Else he will make police report...

I raised my eyebrow...
Waving my hand phone in my hand...
Saying that I have your car pictures with me...
We can go for outside settlement of course...
But then don't think you can request for hundreds...
You can also go report police...
With this kinda damage I don't think they will layan you...

I know I am at fault...
But don't know why...
He just pissed me...
As if I am a three year old...
So I shot him back...

He then said he was busy...
Then he went off...
I sat back in my car...
With the emergency signal on...
Thinking of what I did just now...
What happened to me?
What bloody hell on earth happened to me?
So careless... and reckless... and rude... @@"

Eventually he called...
Asking for RM40...
Well... At least he knows I am not stupid...

P/S: Initially I didn't want to mention this to you, because I don't want you to worry.
But eventually I think that maybe you should know, because I am not that good actually...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Can't live without YOU~

*My second beloved*

People say...
Too much of coffee is not good for your health...

I say...
A cup of coffee a day...
Keep my sleepy bugs away...
Although they come back after a while... @@"

For now, coffee has become my second beloved, especially Old Town white coffee. Everyday before I go to work, I will get myself a cup of coffee, either I DIY (instant 3 in 1) or I will drop by Old Town to grab one before I go to office. Today while I was sipping my iced coffee, I stared at the water droplets adhering on the plastic cup, I heard my heart saying:"Really can't live without you..." Kekeke...

Not sure if it is really effective but it is more like a habit already, something that I must do almost everyday. But then I hope I can find an alternative la, because over-dosing myself with coffee is not something fun thou.

P/S: Someone said he will try to change my habit. Let see if he can do it. Ngek ngek. ^^

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shanghai, September 09~

It has been a few years back ever since the last time I visited Shanghai. Pudong international airport is still the same, modern, simple and filled with rushing passengers. But this time when I stepped out of the airport, the air is chokingly dusty. *cough cough*

*Construction under the flyover to widen the road*

The first sight of Shanghai city, the sky is full of dust and the air is much more polluted than the last time I came. Construction is almost everywhere in Shanghai, building bridges, flyovers and roads. Some are digging the roads to build underground piping systems. Almost every road is congested. All buildings beside the expressways were repainted, FOR FREE. My aunt said this is because China is preparing for the upcoming International Expo, which will be held next year May, an event that shouldn't be missed.

*Example of apartment that cost 3million RMB per 100 square meter*

In Shanghai, unless you are a billionaire, otherwise the most economic choice for accommodation will be apartment or condominium. However, they can still go by MILLIONs, especially those that located near to the city center. According to my aunt, 100 square meter apartments can easily go up to 3 millions RMB per unit. This is seriously ridiculous. That is why the lifestyle here is very fast paced. In the subway station for instance, you can see everyone rushing from one destination to another. Time is gold, every minute is an earning opportunity.

No doubt China's economic has skyrocketed since they opened up for international trading, but they are still relatively conservative when comes to politics. The government practically blocks all social networking and video sharing sites, to prevent extremities from spreading rebellious activities and influences. Well, this is a PAIN for me thou, because that means I wouldn't be able to blog and access to Facebook for a week. Thats a PAIN, especially when I thought of the possibility of losing contact with him for a week. Luckily msn is working. =P

*All sites blocked!*

With the help of Brian, I spent the whole night trying out different proxy settings with an attempt to crack into Facebook and blogspot. Nonetheless, all attempts failed. I think China people are damn ass smart, they even block the websites that teach us how to unlock Facebook. Duh~ @@"

*North and south directions of LouShanGuan Road*

Next, I found something very interesting about their road signs and direction. Unlike Malaysia, for one single road name, they are split into 4 directions, north, south, east and west. So if you are calling a taxi, better be sure that you know which direction of the road you are heading to. Otherwise there is a high possibility that you will be stranded in some unfamiliar places. And the worst part is, it may take another hour (by car) to go from one direction to another of the same road, thanks to the 24/ 7 jam in Shanghai.

*This showed how much I have shopped... LoLx...*

Next, my recommendation for all shopaholics, the end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the best time to shop for summer clothing in Shanghai, provided you know where to shop of course. They have plenty of most-up-to-date choices with ultra cheap prices. As China is one of the main producers for many branded stuffs around the world, often times you will find branded clothing at a unbelievably cheap price. So, spending is one of the things I did the most during this trip. Kekeke...

According to my aunt, "You will never go hungry in Shanghai." That's pretty true thou, everywhere on the streets, you will see hawker stalls selling local foods, you will see medium to big restaurants offering different cuisines, you will see big hotels offering steak and fine dining. No matter how much money you have in your pocket, there will be a place for you to satisfy your stomach and taste buds.

*China people are generally carnivores. China Carrefour is selling pig's digestive system in
a 4 degree Celsius freezer*

As for me, the food is nice, but it will be better for those who are a meat eater. This is because almost every meal they will have a proportion of 80% for meat, especially fried and grilled. So whats the consequences? I got a bigger tummy and a few days of constipation.

As a whole, Shanghai has given me a brand new experience, a rapidly modernizing city, but it is not a place that I will stay for long term. The pace is too fast and the people are generally more self-defensive and unfriendly. Plus the jam is too terrible and the air condition is too bad. I do like a city which is modern enough but with a moderate pace, friendly people and a lower cost of living.

Till then. Such a long post. @@"