Friday, April 30, 2010

I am not a clubber nor a drinker~

I used to enjoy clubbing quite a lot, with the alcohol, musics and the people around, you just can't stop your body from moving. It is a good way to temporarily forget about your problems, flirting around and enjoying the chill of having fun with random people. But that's once upon a time.

Too much of alcohol can kill. I started drinking quite a lot ever since I started working. The amount of input may be more than all the inputs I had over the years. I know I may be a paranoid, but my tummy don't feel well every time I started drinking, it aches a bit. Maybe I think too much, maybe it is a warning, to stop me from drinking too much before I become a habitual drinker.

Plus, in the club most of the people don't be their usual selves. In fact it is a good chance for clubbers to become someone else, someone that they yearning to be but may not have the chance due to social constraint. People started to get wild in the club, molestation, sexual harassment, harmless flirting, alcohol abuse and even drug abuse. In the end of the day, we may not know what we are doing.

Just find a day if you are in a club, try to be abit observant and look at the people around you. I don't know if this applies to everyone, but I feel abit disgusted. People become soulless, they become someone that you do not know. Some of them spent hundreds on beers and hard liquor, but in the end they vomitted out all the alcohol, drunk and wasted. Then whats the purpose?

Perhaps I have passed the age of clubbing. A few drinks once in a while still okay, but no longer a *kiap-kiap* kaki... XD

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Love fades with time?

Recently I know a friend who has married for 7 years. He is now 28 years old, and ya... He married when he was 21 years old. I don't know how he actually sees his marriage with his wife, but from our conversation I can wildly guess that he is still wild, still looking for fun, seeking something interesting outside of his wife and son, looking for more spices for his life.

When he was excitedly telling me his story, my eyes were looking into his, smiling and nodding. But my brain was thinking, analyzing this guy in front of me. There must be some reasons that caused him to make the decision to get into marriage at the age of 21, and I suppose there must be some LOVE elements in his decision. Nonetheless, when I looked at him now, I don't see any or at least I don't feel the LOVE anymore. So, is this what people said love fades with time?

When we were young we were told about the fairy tales, the Happily-Ever-After ending. But most of the time when we look at the reality, often times we only see the opposite. Husbands abuse their wives and kids, some even murder their family members; high divorce rate in most of the developed countries, not many people actually see the value of marriage anymore. If I like, I get married; and if I don't like, I can just divorce. Is this the world that I am living right now?

Maybe at the end of the day I still do not have the ability to change the world to the version that I prefer, but to the minimum I will do what I can to make a difference. Having him at my side is a God bless. Although I am not sure where is our destination at the end of the day, but at least during the process I have tried my best. =)

* Be positive*

Monday, April 12, 2010


Today, 12. 04. 2010...

I felt like I was back to my younger age, during my primary time. I was sitting at a room with a bunch of nerdy students, everyone of us was sweating in our palms, wondered when was our turn for "the punishment". The punishment for not getting 100% for the maths homework.

Unfortunately it was not a good day for all of us, everyone was punished. I remembered she had a big fat cane in her tuition room, and everyone of us got to taste it very often, including this time. I still remembered her expression, the face of disappointment when she looked at me. I was not a good maths student but most of the time I worked hard to score okay. But I was really bad in mathematical division as I never got to understand the concept behind. So in the end, I screwed up my maths homework, and was canned.

Today I felt the same. Boss was having some sorta expectation on me, but I didn't turn out to be at his level of expectation. He said I acted differently, and he preferred the me when I was first joined. The level of confidence, the eagerness to learn, and the passion. I cannot deny what he has said, because they are true. My confidence was shattered quite a bit when I was on field, and the longer I deal with people, the more rejections I received, the more careful I am. Because I don't want customers to hate me. But this at the same time, I become a timid, I dare not to express myself clearly. I was blurred and scared. This time around, I can also see the face of disappointment in him.

Somehow or rather, I've found this trend quite a repetitive in me. At least in many aspects of my life. Wonder if I am gonna let it repeat or find some ways to stop it from happening again?

P/S: Currently in severe migraine. Sorry for all the grammar and vocab mistakes.

Friday, April 9, 2010

God Mummy~

There was a person who said this to me some times ago,

As long as you believe,
Our sun will never stop shining,
Even after a dreadful thunderstorm.
Just don't give up.

I believe in God, not because I wanna go to heaven. I believe in God because I believe that She will not abandon us. As if she is the sun over the universe, she will protect us along our journey of growth, the journey in seeking of self-realization.

She always remind her people to work hard, work smart, to be a better person for the world. Try to find our own way to success, try to find our way to make this world a better place. She gives us motivation, energy and strength to move forward, to not give in to defeats, to stand straight even when we are hit with problems and obstacles. That's what God is to me. She is my motivator, because I know she will be there watching, and blessing everyone of us, regardless whether you believe in her existence or not.

Love you god mummy, I will work hard, and work smart. =)

Sunday, April 4, 2010






P/S: 以上情节是我昨天打包云吞面时所看到的。