Well, whose fault? Obviously the one who wrote this. >_> Earlier of the months I actually promised myself to sleep earlier, have a more healthier lifestyle. But it turned out to be still the same, I still slack alotz, I still play around alotz and all my reports are still last-minute works. It is like, they are imprinted within my genetic makeup, nothing I can do to change them. Argh! was chatting with Garry the other day, and he said there are many human *worms* also, like the bookworm and lazy worm... Lolx... Well, so now I have become one of those worms huh... Ewwww... Grosss!

Why is it so hard to change this attitude? Why is it so hard to be more hardworking? Lolx... I don't want to die of liver failure later in my life... Lolx... and this actually leads to another consequence. I am now more depending on coffee.
I came about this particular 3 in 1 coffee brand (Super - Charcoal roasted Ipoh white coffee) about 2 years ago, when I started to get addicted to coffee. Wow, the taste is nice, creamy and the coffee taste is strong. What most important is that the effect is instantaneous! It is like I've taken some euphoric drugs and I get very *high* after drinking. Things that I thought impossible before that have now become *i-m-possible*... Lolx... Seriously... I wonder what they actually added inside the coffee... Or it is just to me? Maybe I should conduct a HPLC test to check out the ingredients. Who knows I am actually ingesting drugs (besides caffeine of coz) all these while? Lolx...
Urge... my eye lids gonna close... It is time to pay back my sleeping debt... zzzZzzz...