Thursday, August 11, 2011

It is a matter of choice~

Mum brought back a bad news. My grandma was suffering from kidney failure. Only 25% of her kidney is left fighting for her body, the rest has died over time. She is now 89 years old, doctor doesn't recommend any treatment.

Sitting next to my mum listening to her calling all the siblings and asked them to prepare, I know she is not happy, can see from her red teary eyes. Me too. I am not very close to my grandma, but somehow I still feel very sad for her.

How long can a person live? Average of 80 years. It is just a blink of an eye and time flies. The next blink of eye we will see ourselves moving towards the other stage of life, maybe heaven or hell, maybe we are left with bone and dust. Wonder if I will regret things that I have done, sacrifices that have been made when I was young?

My boyfriend told me that we can only live once. Bad times are inevitable. It is a matter of choice whether we want to be happy or not. It is a matter of choice, whether I want to be the victim or not.

P/S: 过于执着只会让自己困在死角,叫天不灵叫地不应。

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