Tuesday, December 20, 2011


This woman that I met today is scary.

I was trying hard to endure her evil and greedy face for almost 2 hours, and all she said was to give her a better offer before come talk to her again.

Throughout the whole conversation all she thinks about is money, profit and how to maximize profit for her organization. Ya I mean, I understand you are one of the shareholders and all you wanted to do is to bring the best interest to your company group.

But seeing her face today really ruined my mood to the maximum. Regardless of what I said, she just wanted me to offer her something better. She as a crucial person in a hospital setup never put patients' priority in the first place but profit always comes first.

Well, this is your choice. Don't come and bug me for drugs when you're running out of stock while I am having holiday. Damn you!

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