Tuesday, March 2, 2010


*If only it is this easy to draw a line*

Sometimes I think it is quite hard to draw lines, to define how much we can go before it is too much, or how little we have done within the line. It is a way to set a boundary and limitation for ourselves, so that we know when to stop, if we have gone way beyond, or when to move forward, when we are stepping at the same ground over a period of time.

But then, especially in servicing line, I find that the lines are blur. It is hard to draw a line between you and your customers, how much you wanna service them? How much extra miles to walk in order to establish a better relationship? How much time we need to spend to build the trust and relationship? To what extent do we need to sacrifice before they take us for granted?

Even sometimes when we spend countless effort and time to build better rapport, they are still founded on a fragile ground, vulnerable and defenseless, easily broken and dissembled. Hmm, I should have taken PR during my study years.

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