Monday, May 3, 2010

A day of reflection~

While I was driving home today, my mind was spinning with thoughts. Some people said attitude is acquired, but I think to certain degrees, attitude is born. I am a person who wanna strive the best for myself.

Nonetheless often times when I wanna prove my ability and effort, I ended up doing the opposite things that showed the inferior side of me. I remember having a severe stage fright during my high school time. I would be the last to talk if I have to, and if I were given a choice, I will choose to be the silencer. I am a supporter, I seldom voice out my opinion, I have no confidence to stand on the stage, I am afraid of public attention.

My ex Leo president actually said this to me once. "You are there all the time, but... ya, you are just there." I was very much impacted by what he said, and think he was in fact very right. I must start talking, I must be more vocal, if I wanna be notified in a group of people. That was when I started to be very active in Leo club, grabbed all the opportunities to talk in the public, to build my confident level. Eventually, I've made it.

The same goes to my work. Every time I tried too hard to prove myself, I set too high a standard where I cannot reach at the moment. In the end it shatters my confident level, and I am back to the timid cat that scared of rejection, scared of questions and scared of public attention.

That is why I think for the future, I am just gonna be myself. As long as I am prepared, I don't have to overdo things to prove myself. Just let the inner energy flows, and I believe I will regain my confidence. =)

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