Sunday, May 23, 2010

Old Time Memories~

Yesterday I was telling my boyfriend about my close friends in highschool. There are four of us who always hanged around together. We knew each other for many many years and in class we used to sit in a clump of four. Two of us were librarians and another two were ordinary students. We went to the same tuition centers, we went to the same college and university. We were always the top four in class where a lot of our classmates during that time, thought we were inseparable, so did I.

But things change in time, including friendship. In Chinese we have this idiom called "天下没有不散之筵席", meaning that there is always an end for every gathering. In other words, regardless of how many years, separation among people is very common. Whether it is due to human activities, natural events (born, old, sick and die) or natural disasters.

So I think the same has applied to our friendship. I remember the last time the four of us gathered together was the time where we were anxiously waiting the sms from the government, whether we are selected for National Service or not. I remember some of our classmates were there as well, as if it was the last gathering before all of us parted into different routes in life.

Well, in the end of the long waiting, I would have to say that I was the only ''fortunate'' one that got selected for National Service. Others were "unfortunately" escaped. With that I have to fulfill my responsibility as a "rakyat" and went into camp for 3 months. The three of them then continued their journey by taking pre-university program together at the same college.

Sometimes when you have too much complains and grumbles in your heart, you tend to get explode very easily. This was what happened to the three of them during my 3 months service with the government. Things changed, from sweet to sour, from good to bad, from appreciation to blame. It is always like that, we tend to blame others when things don't do well, cause it is easier that way.

In the end of the day, our gang splitted into 2 and never talk to each other anymore. Some even delete the contacts from handphone and other social networks. Although it has been years now and I am still close with all of them, but the possibility of having the 4 of us to gather together is slim, maybe close to zero.

Sometimes I would spend sometimes alone, to think of what has happened to me over the past few years. What have I done and what have I not. It is a moment of reflection and to readjust my position in life, where do I wanna go, and whether I am working towards that direction. When I think about our long lost friendship, sometimes I can only sigh.

P/S: Happy Friendship to everyone.

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