Just wanna make sure I have a copy of my life before I develop Alzheimer and forgot everything that created me today...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Marriage that lasts~
A couple was fighting over where to pay the car park ticket. They were at the counter but found that it was an auto-pay car park. The husband then parked the car at one side near to the counter but very far away from the auto-pay machine. The wife then suggested to reverse and drive the car near to the auto-pay machine so that he didn't have to walk so far. The wife's tone was slightly offensive.
Below was their conversation:
Husband: You tell me how we can reverse back?!
Wife: Just reverse la... Then park in front of the auto-pay station ma...
(The wife was using a lot of hand motions)
Husband: Cannot one la...
Wife: Why cannot? Just make a turn only ma...
Husband: You tell me how?!! Aiya~ Don't care la... I just park here...
(The husband was getting very angry and he left the car to pay the ticket)
Wife: Ok then up to you...
(The wife waved her hand before the husband slammed the door)
When the husband was finally back to the car and I thought they would continue arguing, their actions surprised me.
Wife: How much is the parking?
(In a non-offensive and caring way)
Husband: RM7
(He passed the ticket to his wife while he reversed the car)
Wife: Wow nowadays parking are so expensive.
Husband: Yalor... Next time maybe we can find somewhere else to park.
Wife: Yea...
(She handed some peeled langsat for her husband)
See... this should be the right way for a husband and wife to communicate with each other. Tolerance is the key. Sometimes when a person is too angry, they may have said something offensive and hurtful but seriously they didn't really mean it.
Just give each other some time to cool down and don't take their words personally, especially when they are mad. Most of the time they don't even know how the words could spill out from their mouth. It is just a reflective reaction when a person is very angry.
Marriage is a platform that allows loving couples to live together and to build a new life together. It takes a lot of courage, determination and commitment to do so. So don't give up easily and don't let your temporarily anger blinds your eyes and ruins your marriage. =D
Monday, July 27, 2009
Me being a working adult~
Probably I am the eldest in my family. My parents are making a big hoo-haa about my job. Because my aunt and her family came for a short visit to our house, all they talk about is how fast I get a job and what I should and should not do while working. I hate the attention. I don't like people talking about me, especially my parents. Ever since last time, things have never changed a bit. "My daughter get how many As in SPM, which college and university she is going, hows her performance in school, what she did during her free time, whatever whatever whatever". I know they are proud of me. But I am not comfortable under the spotlight.
And I know I was abit rude just now. When mom was asking me if I've shared the news with all my friends. I just said it is no big deal. What is that to spread around. Acted like a kid I know, but sometimes just bad tempered and couldn't control. Whatever.
Now there are few things to do before I start working.
1) I have to know the direction to my office in Cheras. Dad said it will be ultra jam in the morning. But not that I have a choice thou.
2) I have to change my lifestyle. Have been sleeping quite late nowadays and wake up in the noon. Don't think the boss still wants me if I don't change my lifestyle. Also if possible, stop drinking coffee.
3) Gotto mentally prepare myself. Well, it is like I am back to the first day of Monash. Fresh, new, nerd, nervous and clueless. I have to start everything from the ground again, learning new things and make sure I am useful to the company so that I can stay long enough in the company to include this job in my resume. =P
Also I think it is not easy to be a working adult. The adult world is different. Much more cruel. You have to stay competitive and strong. You must be hardworking and smart. You must know how to communicate with your colleagues and how to make your boss happy. I am thinking of the near future, where I wish to hop up the career ladder and hold a managerial position. Thats my aim and for that I know I have to work even harder.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
200% Blur~
Me: Why are you doing this? (pointing to the glue)
Bro: I want to secure my puzzle.
Me: Why suddenly you got puzzle one? Got place to put meh?
Bro: My friend give me one...
Me: Why they so good one?
Bro: Today is what date? The day before is what date?
Me: Today is 25th la... Day before ma 24th lor...
P/S: 24th July is my little brother's birthday and I totally forgot about it!
The puzzle was his birthday gift...
@@ Sorry bro... I am a bad sister...
Case number 2:
On the 23rd July I went to celebrate my friend's birthday with a couple of friends. And after the night they left the unfinished cake in my car and yet I didn't notice. The cake was left in the car until today, when I decided to take the book that I've left in the car. Then only I noticed the cake!!!! Kakaka~ I dare not to open the box because I scare I see something gross inside. Come on, for about 2 days and the car was parked under the sun. The heat and all that, I don't think it is edible anymore, at least to human. Maybe the worms are just about to start the feast. *vomit*...
Why am I so blur??? @.@
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Too good to be real~
Well, guess how I know about this company? One fine day I was browsing through the net as usual to look for suitable jobs. Suddenly I saw my dental gel on the table right next to the laptop. Being playful, I played around with the gel and then I saw a company name printed on the tube of the gel. Being curious, I googled the company online and found their contact number for Malaysia office. Then just to try my luck, I called up the company and asked for job vacancy. Then the receptionist said there is vacancy and directed me to the manager.
After some brief introduction and all that, I got an interview appointment with the manager, purely by luck. Then...
Yesterday was the interview and apparently the manager kinda likes me. He said he will consider my application and will call me back in a week or two. Also, if he didn't call me back, he asked me to call him by the 3rd of August, since he said he will be going to Cambodia during the end of this month and may be quite busy. I am not sure the chances of me getting the job, the following are things that he had mentioned during the interview:
1) First he was happy because I am wearing braces (because he wears too)
2) Second he was happy because we have the same orthodontist
3) Third he said my orthodontist is his friend
4) He kept saying *good good* during the interview
5) He asked me when I can start working
6) He explained the job scope in detail
7) He talked about the salary
8) He replied my thank you letter in a hour and promised to keep me updated
9) He asked me to call him by 3rd August
And the good news is, once I passed the three months probation, he said the company will send me to Switzerland (HQ) for one month training. How good! The salary that he quoted me for now is rm2600 plus car allowance.
I am damn anxious now. Counting the days. I seriously wish I can get this job. Pray hard.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
When feelings fade~
You see no one but only him.
No flaws, no weaknesses, nothing.
Everything about him is simply perfect.
That is why people said love is blind.
But when feelings fade.
When you're no longer craving for him.
Your eyes are cleared.
Your mind are cleared.
He is nothing but ordinary.
When times go by
You see flaws.
You see weaknesses.
You started to hate the man in front of you.
Wondering why you love him so much.
Last time you would give up everything just to see him.
Now you calculate the opportunity cost.
He is no longer the perfecto~
Well, what should we do,
When feelings are fading?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
But today thanks to Jack, I get to know Rawang much better. Lolx. He got a part time job in Rawang for 4 months and today he came to settle some documents and stuffs and we have a short but fun Rawang trip.
If I didn't drive around the town today, I wouldn't know that there are so many new shops now. So many new things in town and yet I have no idea of it. Lolx. Now there are theme-based cafes targeting young adults, so many new shops selling all sorta things and goods. So many restaurants targeting families and so many small offices setting up here. Even the roads have changed, new roads and flyovers have been constructed. Now there is a new highway connecting Rawang to Serendah and Kubu Baru, kaka~ and yet I didn't know until today. Paiseh... =P
Thanks Jack, as I get to know Rawang better.
Thanks Jack again, for the free Starbucks coffee. Muahaha~
Saturday, July 18, 2009
When you have too much of durian~
Parents and aunties are buying non-stop...
Reason? Coz they said it is cheap and nice and seasonal fruit...
Kaka~ But everyone is too fed up with durian already...
No one really wanna eat anymore...
So what we do when there is too much of durian?
Instead of attracting flies to house...
My aunt transformed them into durian crepe...
Suddenly the durian tastes so much nicer than the original...
Yea, crepe as in those thin, crispy pancake...
I thought it will be very difficult to make...
But turns out it is really very easy...
Even people with no sense of cooking like me...
Find it ultra easy and interesting and fun and nice!
Lolx... Recipe as below:
*All in rough estimation*
1 cup of flour
1 cup of low fat milk
2 eggs
2 spoonfuls of melted butter
Mix everything together and let it stand in the fridge for one hour.
Then get your non-stick frying pan ready...
Preferably the think non-stick pan...
So that the heat can be distributed evenly...
Spread some margarine (for the first one only) and there you go.
Add in a scoopful of batter onto the pan...
Spread and make into round shape...
Be patient...
First one usually will be very ugly...
But practice makes perfect...
Try another few more times and you will have a round and thin and nice one...
As easy as that...
Then for the durian part...
Take away the seed and spread the durian puree onto the crepe...
Wrap it and there you go!
Yummy yummy...
Durian is still my fav after all... ^^
Thursday, July 16, 2009
3 words, 8 letters, say it and I am yours~
But I still fall for guys like Chuck Bass.
Just in case you don't know.
He is the hottest guy in Gossip Girl (GG).
To me at least.
Yea GG may have no nutrient.
Some said it is a waste of human and capital resources.
But who cares?
It is not a shame to still fall for hot guys.
Especially someone like Chuck Bass.
He may be a bad guy.
I don't care how many one night stand he has.
When he lost his virginity and to whom.
I guess he himself doesn't know.
But who cares?
I just know that he loves Blair.
And is willing to do anything to protect her.
Even if that involves to lie to himself.
And to quit the triangle love.
Yea, pretty boring even for an American drama.
But once again who cares.
I just want to shout out loud.
I have fallen.
For Chuck Bass in GG.
But not for Ed Westwick in real life.
Can't wait for season 3. =P
Because I am too lazy...~
But why the cornea count thing is still so low? Well, also because I am too lazy. Although I didn't use contact lens for months but the damage might have been done over the time where I have been using contacts for years. I started wearing glasses during form 3, and contacts during year 1 or 2 perhaps. Kaka~ and what makes the matter worst is that I like to lie on the bed under my blanket and watch drama or read books. Sometimes when the drama gets too addictive like Gossip Girl I will forget the time and watch till morning. Under such condition, I wonder how my eyes can be of good health...
Plus, by having the life of a pig, I wonder how long it takes for me to really become a pig. Well, believe it or not, fats are accumulating around my waist and thigh and legs, claiming their authority on my body... It is just the matter of time before I am officially being categorized under the obese category. Lets see... @@
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Immediately I shoo-ed away the lazy bugs, swallowed my brunch, get changed and bring him to see doctor. Luckily I bought some face masks (initially was thinking of bringing them to KK) and gave him one and another one for myself.
It has been ages since the last time I went into a clinic. This particular clinic in my hometown was my mom's favorite. If any of our family members get sick, then this will be the first doctor that she would bring us to. It seems like the responsibility has now fall on me. We waited quite a while as there were many patients and I felt nervous and worried when my brother was getting sicker as the clock ticks. Suddenly the time was like moving extremely slow.
When it was finally our turn, the first thing that doctor asked was: "Apa sakit?". I stoned for a second because I don't quite remember my BM. Luckily the doctor is not English illiterate. =P After rounds of checking, he said that it was just a normal flu and not denggi or H1N1. Well, thank God (Although I wonder how he could discriminate those flus without a proper chemical test).
I used to have this cat and dog fights with my little brother. Although it is no harm but I always have this perception that he likes to hang out with my little sister more than me. Maybe we have a large age gap and there are less things we have in common. But from this incident, I feel happy because when he faces problem, I am the first person he will come look for besides my parents. He counts on me and this is something I am proud of.
Take more rest bro... Love ya... ^^
Monday, July 13, 2009
Tiring day~
Well, that place is quite nice for those who never been there before. But it is relatively bored for those who went there. Reason? Nothing much has changed over the past few years. I went there 5-6 years back and it is still the same when I went there today. Perhaps only the tourists have changed. Now you can see more *angmo* over there.
Well, to my disappointment, they have closed down the Japanese village, for unknown reason. But I think the reason might be the same as why they wanted to close down the botanical garden, because it is too expensive to maintain and not many people actually find that place interesting.
The worst is yet to come. Several miles from the Colmar Tropicale and Japanese village, there is a so-called rabbit farm, where they charge tourists with a entrance fee of rm3 so that they can play with the rabbits. Well, apparently the idea sounds interesting but when you enter the farm, erm... not really a farm to me, because it is seriouslly a small place, what you see are diseased and half-dead rabbits, all being tortured by human beings. They have this notice posted on the wall to teach people the right way to handle rabbits, but with so many kids running up and down and no one bother to read the notice, they practically kick, punch, squeeze, pinch, etc the rabbits. In the end, the rabbits are terrified, hide in one corner under the racks and rocks, and are all dying before they are suppose to. @@ Fun? Hell no. Pathetic yes.
Next station is Time Square where we are suppose to watch Ice Age 3 together. But was unfortunately stuck in the jam (Bukit Bintang is forever jam) and by the time we reached Time Square, it was already almost 4pm. Completely demotivated when we saw the crowd lining over the cinema counters and instead we went straight for lunch+ dinner, for whatever it calls.
When I finally reached home, it is already 8pm. Then dad called to escort my sis back to Sunway. She just got her license and doesn't really know the way. So? I dragged my tired body to the car and went all the way to Sunway with her. Nothing to comment on her driving skill because I might be worst than her when I first got my license. She is just too *cow* (in mandarin) sometimes but has not get into any accident *yet* (touchwood). Unlike me, I fell asleep when I was driving and knocked straight to the highway divider. @@
Luckily bro is with me. He drove home after that while I dozed off on the way back. Practically I have no idea why I agreed to go to Sunway at the first place. Well, whatever, people just do random stuffs sometimes.
Next, I sat on the sofa with my legs up on the coffee table and started to enjoy durians!!! LOLx! Thats my favorite man! My aunties have brought back some fresh and definitely nice durians from Pahang and they already had a feast before I came home. The one that I was eating are leftover. But who cares, as long as they are durians, they are irresistable. Lolx... Well, there goes my Sunday then. Tiring and a bit of complain here and there but still, it is a fun day. ^^
Friday, July 10, 2009
Trust is so damn f***ing hard~
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The changing of my small world
Guess I am those who cannot stay at home for too long without doing anything productive. Today is the 9th official day of my holiday after my last final paper and I am starting to hate the holiday already. Unlike the usual me, holiday is what I am hoping for after every semester and dreadful exams. I could do anything I like, something which I didn't have time for during my semester. I enjoyed because I know, I have nothing to worry for. Relax and chill was all I needed to do and eventually the new semester would start and everything would be back to routine.
But now, perhaps I know my student life has finally come to an end and the future is uncertain. I started to disgust the holiday. I hate the mounting uncertainties in my life now. I applied for a couple of jobs via the internet and newspaper and wondering who will call me for interview. I went to snap some passport-sized photos but started to hate the person in the picture. I went to my mom's office and started to loath the morning traffic jam. I cursed the policemen for making the condition worst. I heard the news saying that the education minister is reverting to BM for science and math teaching, I started to hate this out-dated country and thinking of migrating. I hate him when he becomes so unpredictable and giving empty promises. I hate to stay at home when dad keeps nagging me. I hate waiting. What the hell is wrong with me? It is like hatred has penetrated every inch of my body.
Perhaps this is so-called the transition period. Worst than PMS, my thoughts are all messed up and went hay-wired. I loss control of myself and this is when I started to become like an injured lion. Beware dudes, just in case you got bitten by me.
But still, as time goes by, I am getting more prepared each day. The reality might have hit me hard on my face and knocked me down, leaving me vulnerable and injured. But now I have stood up from the ground and the wound is starting to heal already. After all, I am not as weak I guess. When we think that we know ourselves well, or when we think that we have full control of ourselves and our lives, the condition often turn out to be the opposite. That is why life is a learning process. There are still plenty to learn out there. NO matter how bad the condition is,
life goes on, so do I. Gambateh!

P/S: I am totally in love with Ed Westwick! He is soooo hot!!! Well, most girls like bad boys. I think this is a valid statement. Lolx... If you don't know what I am saying, go watch Gossip Girl. ^^v
Monday, July 6, 2009
谢了 =)
无须花言巧语, 只须当个观察者,在适当的时候给于适当的安慰与启发。。。
Thanks dude... ^^
2008年的五月,对你而言,是一个怎样的月份呢?对我而言,今年的五月,除了感到既漫长又非凡之外,站在我的人生角度而言,这是一个充满特殊意义的一个月。何解?乃因我选择了‘禅’这条修行路。目的何在?相信除了想得到某些领悟之外,最重要的,乃是寻找久违了的平静, 一个能让我的身灵,心境得到充分安详的宁静。。。
人,乃是轮回六道之一的众生, 一个可谓最多色彩,最实在,最充实的一道。除此之外,在佛的理解, 人道也是享尽所有苦难的一道,因此也称为苦海。但人是个很玄的生物,一个可谓简单但又复杂的生物。为何?从人处决某些决定来看吧,某人本心有自身的决定,但此人可以因一个小小的细节,他人的看法,谈吐,举止,或外界的人、事、物而受影响。可笑的是, 人总是喜欢悲叹,后悔,对过去往事所做的决定,选择悲叹,后悔。。。试问,这岂不是对人所过往的人生,是一种讽刺吗?因为人生的路,道,乃是由过去的抉择,方能形成如今的情景。若对过往的抉择悲叹,后悔,岂不一起否定眼前的一切。。。
除了‘抉择’以外,‘答案’也是如此,对人的影响甚至举足轻重。无可厚非,人是一个充满好奇心的生物,往往对所有的不解,困惑,不计一切寻找‘答案’,以求安心。。。 一旦‘答案’与愿有违呢? 岂不是自寻烦恼,悲哀,甚至绝望吗? 难 道‘答案’正的如此重要吗?站在一位未来工程师的我,以及以前的我,我的回答:“是”。但今天的我:“非也”。因我晓得,并非每件事物,都有是与非,对与 错等明确的答案;如‘情’。与其寻找一个抽象又迷惑的东西,不如学会放弃找寻‘它’,让人生活得更简单一些,减少一份忧愁,添加一份快乐。。。正如舍得的 原理,有‘舍’方有‘得’。虽然有时‘舍’了,却得不到想要的‘得’,但试在另个角度想,如同舍了包袱,换来的岂不是松懈,轻松吗?
剃度,在一般人的意识中,乃是出家人或患疾病者的形象。然而,对于安然无恙的我,却剃了个光头。事后,四周的人给予不同的反应。而从中,我也感到欣慰,因为能够借此举,让我认清四周的人,乃是何等人物,何等智慧,何等态度。。。给予激烈反应的友人(如问:“为什么剃头?受了什么刺激?”等反应),我把他们归纳为‘发现者’。因为此类人,乃观看眼前及意识到的事物过于整体事物上的意义,另解为无法看透事情或事务的全部。相反地,给予平常,适中反应的友人(如;不闻不问,视于无物等反应),此类乃是‘观察者’。因为他们(也许)晓得,某某人在他人的价值,评价,看法,并不会因外观上的变化而定夺,而是由相处之道以及对人事物的态度来判断。此等友人,在古代战国时代,可谋事为谋士或军师;论今而言,他们将会是值得交心,举杯谈天下事的朋友,知己。(试问你是何等人呢?)于此, 也感谢那些曾抚摸或触摸我的头的友人, 因我相信,此举如同给予我支持,也同时给予友人祝福。
每个人在其一生中,总会在不同时候,出现许多类型的过客,路人甲、乙、丙、丁等。。。 从这些过客中,有些能成为一生的知己、敌人、工作伙伴、甚至陪伴度过一辈子的伴侣。神奇的是,什么让两个来自不同背景,环境的人走在一起,或形成对立呢?我深信,唯解于‘因缘’。很遗憾的,人总是在各类的不如意(重点于人际) 发生之际,将责任推于四周环境的影响,各类不同的人为因素,甚至怪罪于天时、地利、人和的道家思想;而不好好地看一看,反思本身对人、事、物的处理方式与 态度。当然,不如意的人际总会在人生中发生,在所难免的。但,境由心造,退一步海阔天空;无妨天真地,无奈地想一想,是你的因缘,终归会是你的,即使过程 中崎岖复杂,波难重重,唯怀一丝的信任,相信最终能修成正果。不是你的,勉强也无幸福,要学会舍得,放下执着,拿得起,放得下。。。
当 然,谈到过客,总免不了提及‘友’与‘情’。这两词,在不同人的意识中,必然有不同的见解。有的将两者合一,相提并论;有的试图两者分开,划清界限。依我 的见解,友既是情,情亦是友。。。很欣慰,在我四周,出现了不少的‘友’,也浮现难忘的‘情’,盘旋着我的人生。但有时,选择孤独一人,也未尝不是一件好 事。目的不在于逃避,而是重新反思友与情的衡量。。。对此,我想对某友人给予这个忠告,‘人何尝不是一个人走来,探索;而在路途中,发觉友,情的出现,从 而友生情,情恋友呢? ’。友与情,两者之平衡,唯独以个人的智慧,领悟,心境方能寻找出满意的平衡点。
到此,很悲哀的,很遗憾的,我所悟的种种人、事、物(一览概括为‘色’),终归统一,终成‘空’。。。相信不少人听过‘色即是空,空即是色’的格言吧,但了解其广大意义的,有多少位呢? 这 八字格言,促使我,无论对任何的人、事、物,所有的‘色’,都要保持一颗平常心,以中庸,独立的心境观看人事物,方能摆脱无识、苦恼,得到禅定。与此同 时,我也深信,‘乐极生悲’。往往快乐了、疯狂了、享受了过后,期待在后头的,除了回忆之外,岂不是寂落,空虚等‘悲’吗?与其结局生悲,不如乐时适可而 止?
也许以上的一切,唯吾知晓,唯吾觉(或你不认同)。 但我选择以我的方式,文采表达出来,因我了解,人在于往生之时,并带不走任何物品,回忆。。。与其带不走,不如留下一些东西,以让友人,情人,世人务识到 我的存在吧!此时,让我感叹徐志摩先生的作品,“悄悄地,我走了,正如我悄悄地来;我挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。。。”
Narindo 觉笔
p/s: 在此,感谢所有友人在这个月给予我的‘禅’,让我从中得到不同的‘悟’。当然,也想对某些友人表达万分的歉意与无奈,因我的估虑,修行,而无法给予最宽大,无私的暖手。。。但愿事与人愿,安详。善哉,善哉,善哉。。。
I seriously like the way you wrote it. Really appreciate it... ^^ Thanks!
This is the uniqueness of Malaysian I think. =) It is not uncommon to see married couples of different religion backgrounds. They have different skin colors but I guess, perhaps it is love that bond them together. Happy to finally see something positive around. After a discouraging month.
I get to know a song from Eason Chan, "今天只做一件事"... A very nice and meaningful song. No matter how hard our life may be, or how discouraging and how much we try to give up... But there are always love around. After all, the world is still beautiful.
Okay, forget about the unhappiness and disappointments, it is time to move on.
Sabah I'll be there! =D Gambateh!

消失太快 捉得到太少
茫茫人海 或有幾多漂泊與淹蓋
人人尋找愛 或有幾多爭鬥與比賽
有各樣劫災 和充滿意外
叫皺紋散開 喚青春歸來
消失太快 捉得到太少
茫茫人海 或有幾多漂泊與淹蓋
人人尋找愛 或有幾多爭鬥與比賽
有各樣劫災 和充滿意外
叫皺紋散開 喚青春歸來