Today I went to UITM to send a quotation to a doctor and to have some case discussion. Well, one thing
"special" about UITM is that they have a very
"unique" elevator system. Unlike the conventional ones, in UITM the numerator thingy is outside of the elevators, before you hop into the lift, you have to press the floor level, indicating where you want to go and the system will direct you to which lift to take.

*Don't know what this thing call, just call numerator thingy la... =P*
Well, it sounds cool but the system honestly, is very much worst than the conventional one. First it took ages for the numerator thingy to respond, sometimes they will show you a "XX" sign on the screen, indicating that the lift is not responding fast enough to you. Next, I don't know if the problem happens only in UITM or the entire elevator system is a problem by itself, they have separate lifts to go to different floors. For example, lift A is for floor 3 to floor 10. Lift B is for floor 11 to 20, etc.

* "XX"... Ops, I am slow... =P*
So happen today, poor Joeanne has to go to 19th floor to meet the doctor. Appointment was at 3.30pm and I was already late. Then the stupid lift was giving me damn loads of problem. First it took ages to respond. Well, I am a patient young lady, so I waited and waited. And when I walked out of 10th floor, I saw a big "
ROSAK" sign on the outside of the lift which used to get to 11th floor onwards.
Pissed, tired and anxious. I decided to walk up the stairs. But since I am having a sedentary life for months, 9 floors of stairs almost took my breath away. I wore two layers of cloths to ensure that I don't look too thin, but now they were giving me problem as they insulated all the body heat inside. Finally, I managed to make it to 19th floor and what pissed me again was that, doctor was not in. Still panting, I called and she said she was stuck with some matters in UM, so unable to rush back. I was like... sigh... Sweat even more...
Then since today my last stop was at Shah Alam, I decided to use
Guthrie highway to go home. First, I don't have to care about the toll, since the company is paying, second I can skip all the traffic jams in PJ and Subang areas. And seriously by using this highway, it only took around half an hour to reach Rawang. Wee~

*Erm, undulating road?*
Guthrie highway is relatively new, maybe because of the location problem, most of the time it is traffic free. Also, surrounding this highway is a long stretch of oil palm plantation, from far they look so calm and green. So nice. This remind me of my crazy time last time, where me and my friend used to hang around the highway at night, walking along the divider, shouting and boo-ing those cars passing by. I know it is idiotic... Blek...

*Guthrie Highway*
Last but not least. The good news of the day, today Roche called and asked me to go for the 2nd interview tomorrow, whereby I just went for the 1st interview yesterday! Woot! But then I couldn't make it tomorrow since I have a surgery appointment, so we make it on Monday next week. Well, hope everything goes well then.
P/S: Thank God for all the blessings, thank you my family and friends for all the support, and thanks dear for your love.